Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Last week I finished the Harry Potter series!! I loved reading them, they were fabulous, and were sooo much better than the movies! I figured they would be, books usually are much better in my opinion! So it took me 2 months to finish them instead of one (like I thought!) but I was still kind of an addict! There were days where the only thing I could tell Travis that I did that day was read! Oops!! (Don't worry I did feed my children and changed their diapers, etc! The house just suffered a bit!) It's funny because during the past couple of months I found myself having many dreams involving Harry Potter!! And usually I don't ever remember my dreams, it's been crazy to remember some of them! Anyways, I kind of feel free now that I don't have anything pulling at me like an addict! We'll see how long I can hold off before starting another addictive book!!

1 comment:

~Wyatt~Brittney~Brecken~Oliver~ said...

I always have dreams about the books I am reading! Mostly because when I read a book that is all I do!