Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mid-Life Crisis??

Can a mid-life crisis occur before the age of 30?? And would deciding to join the military at age 28 be considered a mid-life crisis??

Well that is exactly what Travis has decided to do. A couple of weeks ago Travis called me from work and said that he is thinking about joining the National Guard! Just out of the blue! Normally I would definitely say that it is a mid-life crisis, but we have both prayed about it, and feel that it is right, so in this case I think it is more just a new direction! He wants to apply for the flight program after he joins so that he can fly the military helicopters. While there are lots of things that really scare me about him joining, I just have to have faith that it is what is meant to happen, because I have unmistakenly recieved that answer.

So he is officially signing up on Friday, so we will find out when and where he goes for Basic Training then. Basic Training is about 10 weeks long, then he will have additional training for 8 weeks. So he will be gone for about 4 1/2 months. :( That will be rough, but we will make it through! Once his initial training is finished he will just have drill one weekend a month and training for 2 weeks once a year. If he gets into the flight program, then he will have flight training for something like 40 weeks, but we get to go with him for that! So there are big changes happening, but they are pretty exciting!

1 comment:

Krystal Trapnell said...

Wow! Big changes for sure! Good luck and hopefully everything goes well. I'm glad you feel good about it!