Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Thanks for tagging me Amyee! This is a pretty fun one!

~The tag is to go to your picture files... open the 4th folder... then open the 4th picture.
Here is my pic:

This is a picture of my family right before we dropped my brother, Dalton off at the MTC! Dalton has been in New Zealand for several months now, and is doing great! He is such an awesome kid, and I miss him a lot, but know that he is where the Lord wants him to be! I love you Dalton!!

Ok, now I tag Katy C., Allyson M., and Dayna A. I can't wait to see your pics!!

1 comment:

Noel said...

Cute picture! And yeah for Parker walking! I just loved those beginning steps. They get steady too fast--enjoy the wobbles.