Saturday, April 19, 2008

Parker is 1!!!

Wow!! I can hardly believe that my baby is one already. His birthday was yesterday, and we had a fun filled day of preparing for a yard sale--woohoo!! We did have pizza, cake and ice cream with some friends too. It was fun. Some highlights were Parker eating a whole piece of pizza, burning his finger on his candle, eating a cupcake, and smearing icing all over his face. It was great, minus the burning part! Here are some pics.

Parker is such a great son, and we are truly blessed to have him. He has definitely blessed our lives this year, and has helped us keep going through some tough times. His unconditional love for us, and his big smile truly warm our hearts and help us remember what's important in life. Thank you sweet baby. I love you.


Krystal Trapnell said...

Who wouldn't love a face full of frosting? So cute!

Ally said...

Wow, a year old. He looks so cute with the blue frosting all over his face : )

Mary said...

Fun fun! I love birthdays. Isn't it amazing how fast it happens though? I swear Jackson was just born yesterday.

shay said...

Happy Birthday Parker!
Doesn't the time fly! I can't believe he's one! It looks like he had fun eating the yummy cupcake!
Good luck with the move! I'm not looking forward to our move next month either! We're moving to Rexburg for the summer to spend it with my mom since my dad is already in Hawaii. She's pretty bored and looking forward to the grandkids being close for a while until she has to go. It'll be nice having someone else to entertain the girls. I'm looking forward to a much needed vacation! You enjoy yours too!