Chloee had her two month checkup yesterday, and weighed in at 10.4 lbs, and was 22 inches long. So she hasn't gained much weight in the past month, but the doctor isn't concerned. She is thriving even if she is a skinny little thing! She had to get her first set of immunizations too, which was no fun. She handled getting poked like a champ though!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Children's Museum!!
We decided to get a year membership for the Children's Museum at the Gateway, and went for the first time today. It was so much fun, and definitely a good investment!! When we first got there, there was a ton of school kids there for a field trip, so it was pretty chaotic, but once they left it was a lot better. Here are some pictures of Parker having fun!
Parker LOVED the ball area. There were tons of tubes and holes to put the balls into. This one sucks the balls up the tube kind of like the drive-through at a bank!
Building a big block tower with daddy!
He also loved to go down this slide on his tummy.
They have a section for kids under three, which was really nice, especially while the school kids were there!
Driving a truck with daddy and some random kid!!
Chloee was content to see everything from the stroller and the bjorn! Here is her first 2 month old picture!
Posted by
2:20 PM
Last night we went bowling for FHE. It was my dad's work party, so my parents and sisters were there too. It was so much fun. We played two games, and I won the first game with a whopping 121!!(I know...pretty pathetic that that was the high score!) Parker had a blast, and wanted to take everyone's turns for them. I didn't take my camera, so I decided to put some pictures from Parker's first bowling experience last fall.
Travis trying for the spare!!
Parker loved to lay on his stomach and watch the ball roll down the lane!
These ramps sure are nice for kids.
No pictures of me due to the fact that I was very pregnant the last time!!
Posted by
1:55 PM
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Where Does the Time Go??
Today Chloee is 2 months old!! I can hardly believe it, it goes so fast. She is not a fragile newborn anymore. She is getting so strong and holds her head up. She smiles and coos all the time and is so happy and cute. Her 2 month appointment is on Tuesday, so I'll have her stats then. In the past two months Parker has really grown to love her. He is a great big brother, and loves his little sister. They are so cute together, and Parker is so concerned about her! It is adorable and makes me SO happy!
Posted by
8:54 AM
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Blessing Day
We had Chloee blessed in church on Sunday, and it was a beautiful blessing. I am so grateful that I have a wonderful husband who holds the priesthood and can perform ordinances for our family. With it being her big day, we had to get her all dressed up! My mom crocheted a beautiful dress for her, and I made her a cute bow and bracelet to finish the look! I must say that she looked just like a little angel. Here are some cute pictures we took before church.
After church we had a little get-together with family and friends. It was really nice, but unfortunately I didn't take any pictures. Thanks to everyone for your love and support.
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9:19 AM
Saturday, February 6, 2010
So Chloee hasn't been the best sleeper at night so far, and would only sleep with us in our bed. While I didn't mind having her in our bed too much, I just didn't get the best nights sleep, not being able to move, etc. Plus there is always the threat of something happening to her in our bed. I don't think that I would ever roll over on her because she usually slept on part of me, and I slept so lightly with her next to me, but I did worry about smothering her with the covers. Anyways so I decided to really try her crib again last night. We gave the kids a bath, and then I got Chloee in her pjs and swaddled her really tight in her Swaddle Me wrap and nursed her. She still wasn't asleep when she was finished eating, and I knew that she wouldn't fall asleep in the crib, so I put her in her carseat with a soft blanket under her and rocked/bounced her to sleep. She was asleep within just a few minutes so I decided to just put her whole carseat in the crib!! And it worked!! She slept from 10:00 to 3:30 and then from 4:00 to 7:30, and now it is 8:40 and she is sleeping still!! Hooray!! It was so nice to sleep without her in bed with me. I could actually move and could change positions, etc. There were two other factors that helped aid in the sleeping, first we put the humidifier in her room. She always seems to be a little conjested, but she could actually breathe last night! (I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier?) We also turned on a cd with the sound of a running stream with bird sounds. She is used to a noisy big brother during the day, and so I think it helped to have some noise. So we will try all of this again tonight and hope that it wasn't a one time thing!!
In other exciting news, we are blessing Chloee tomorrow!! I will post pictures of her in her pretty dress probably on Monday.
Posted by
7:29 AM
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
It has been exactly two years since Travis lost his job flying a helicopter, but he is finally going to get back into a helicopter!! Thanks to our cute little tax credits we are getting a good refund which will pay for Travis to get more helicopter training and become a CFII (Certified Flight Instructor for Intruments). In Florida he was working as a CFI, which is a Certified Flight Instructor, basically he just taught people how to fly. Now after he goes through the training he will be teaching people how to fly using the instrument panel in the cockpit of the helicopter without seeing outside. Anyways we are both really excited for him to start flying again, and will hopefully be able to find a job teaching again, shortly after he finishes his training. A CFII is a lot more sought after person, than just a CFI, so it will definitely help his resume! We went and got the paperwork for him to get all signed up as a student again, so hopefully he will be starting in the next couple of weeks.
Now for a different topic, we are trying to implement a schedule for Parker to get him ready for pre-school next year. My mom works at the pre-school and tells me stories about kids that aren't used to structure and have a hard time adjusting. Up 'til now Parker has definitely not been used to structure, and would literally watch movies all day long if I let him. So his new schedule goes like this:
Wake Up
Watch Cartoons
Eat Breakfast
Brush Teeth
Get Dressed
Computer Time
Art/Craft Time
Story Time
Quiet Time
Play Time
Clean Up
I printed up cards for all of these and then laminated them and put a magnet on them so that I can put them in order on the side of our fridge. Then he can take them off as he finished them and can see what comes next. Yesterday was the first day that we tried it, and it went pretty well until the evening. (Travis is on the night shift right now, and I was having a rough night last night, and didn't care about the schedule so much!) Today has been ok, but not as good as yesterday was. It will probably take awhile for him to get used to it, and for me to get used to it as well! Hopefully once we get this established, he will be ready to be potty trained!!
Posted by
12:55 PM
Chloee has definitely got the smiling thing down pretty good lately. I've tried several times to get a good picture of her cute grin but she usually stops smiling the minute I pull the camera out!! I did get a couple of cute shots!
Posted by
12:35 PM