Thursday, January 24, 2008

New Zealand!!

Wow, it's been over a month since I last wrote. It's been a great month though. Our Holidays were wonderful. Parker enjoyed his first Christmas, and really liked eating the wrapping paper! My sister Heidi came for Christmas and New Years. It was great having her here with us, especially since we couldn't go home for Christmas. We had a lot of fun just chatting and hanging out together. She had a lot of fun with Parker, and it was great to have a helping hand. She also helped me paint a couple rooms in the house. We now officially don't have any white walls!! Yeah for color!!!

Well last night my little brother got his mission call to Auckland, New Zealand!! He leaves in the middle of May. He is very excited, and we are excited for him. He will be a great missionary, he is so loving and hardworking. My whole family is planning to make a trip there to pick him up in two years when he is finished. I'm VERY excited for that too!! I've been searching on the internet about New Zealand, and it is a beautiful place, a Paradise!

One of my New Years resolutions is to exercise daily and to eat healthier. I haven't exercised every day so far, but I have been doing pretty good. I have been running on the treadmill, lifting weights a little, and doing ab exercises to try and get rid of my bread dough tummy!! The joys of having a baby!! I have actually been enjoying running which is kind of surprising. I use to NEVER run, mainly because I had really bad asthma and couldn't. But the past year or so it's almost been like I don't have asthma at all, it's so wonderful. I can do so many more things without using my inhaler all the time. I love to feel healthy and strong!

Well on to Parker!! He is now nine months old, I can hardly believe it. He is getting so big, too fast. Here are some things I am enjoying about Parker these days:

He is generally a very happy baby. He smiles and laughs all the time. Seeing him so happy brightens my day in an instant.

He is a great sleeper. He takes two really good 2 hour naps a day, and sleeps at night from about 7:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. He goes down great lately. I just cuddle him for a few minutes, then give him his bunny, and he is good to go!

He LOVES his daddy! He gets so excited when Travis gets home. He gives loves by grabbing the side of daddy's face and pulling it to his mouth. He usually goes for the nose!

He's learned how to make all kinds of sounds with his voice! He has a fake laugh, a fake cough, and a fake cry. It's pretty amusing, as long as it doesn't last too long! He also does this high pitched squeal, which also is ok for a short period of time.

I absolutely love being a mom, and it seems like I love it more and more each day. Parker gives us so much happiness, I can't imagine life without him. He makes our life complete. Here are a few pictures from the last month.


Krystal Trapnell said...

He is a handsome little devil...Kyla thinks so too. She is sorry for making him cry at church on Sunday. Why must they get big so fast?

Congrats on the mission call (to your bro and you, too!). I've always wanted to go to NZ. In seminary we would get fake mission calls every year for missionary week and two years in a row I got called to Papau New Guinea. I was meant to be in that part of the world, I think.

Lindsay said...

CUTE PICTURES! And that's exciting about your brother going to New Zealand, I hear it's beautiful! And from what I saw in The Whale Rider (filmed in New Zealand) it's gorgeous!

Jessica Law said...

I have been to Auckland and can I tell you I cannot wait to go back? I spent a week or so there and really loved it minus the fact that I was in the hospital much of the time. (ask me about that later.) What a wonderful thing to have a brother serving the Lord. Congrats on that.

shay said...

Sounds like you had a fun Christmas. I'm so glad Heidi was able to be there. I'm really embarrassed to ask this, but which brother got his mission call? I still think of your family about 8 years younger than you all are!?! Sorry, bad cousin! That's so exciting! He's going to be an awesome missionary!!