Sunday, July 12, 2009

Summer Fun & The Fourth of July

For Parker's birthday in April he recieved an inflatable whale sprinkler, so we pulled it out a couple of weeks ago and he loved it! Here are some pictures:

After running through the sprinkler by himself for awhile, he convince his aunt "Cici" to carry him and run through with him.

This year for we decided to spend the Fourth in Provo. Travis had to work, so Parker and I hung out with my family and then met up with Travis after work for fireworks! Anyways, after we watched the parade that morning, we decided to go to a park and have a picnic. We ended up staying and playing for several hours. Here are some cute pictures of Parker that we got at the park.

We also went to the zoo last week, but I'm going to save that for another post, so stay tuned!!


shay said...

So fun! Congrats on being pregnant! I meant to talk to you at Katie's wedding, but what a CRAZY day! You look so cute!

Mary said...

That sprinkler is way cute! My kids would love it.

Ruth said...

I cannot believe how BIG he is. With his haircut he looks even more grown up. But still adorable. :) And how exciting that you'll be having a girl! That's wonderful.